
Action buttons

The main interface of Voyager is simple. The row of large buttons across the top of the window has some essential functions assigned to it. Many of which are self explanitory but we'll go through them anyway. Note that these buttons turn to a black and white version of their coloured form when it's not possible to activate their particular function at that time. The Voyager active indicator in the top right, displays the bouncing ball animation while Voyager is busy. Clicking on this will also reveal Voyager's About page.


Fetches the previously accessed page. It wont, however, return to pages which resolted from Form send requests since they were temporary. Instead Voyager will skip this page for the last 'real' page.


This button will only work if the Back button has been used at least once. If the Back button has been used multiple times, so the Forward button will be usable an equal amount of times.


This button sends Voyager to the configured Home Page. The Home Page is set up from the Links section of the GUI settings. The GUI settings is accessed via the settings menu or the Amiga-G hot-key. See the section on Settings.


This button will force V to reload the current page. Technically it will delete the current cached entries for that page and attempt a reload of the page with a special no-cache flag. This will force proxy caches to fetch the page afresh rather than use their cached page. See the section on Proxy.


This button is only active if the 'Load HTML Images Directly' flag is turned off. This flag is present in the settings menu and can also be toggled with the Amiga-I hotkey. When this flag is off, Voyager will only load the images when the Images button is pressed. This allows very quick browsing with viewing of in-lined pictures and such forth viewed only when you want.


Not yet implemented in the freeware version of Voyager


Prints the current page out the the PRT: device. Only the text which can be seen in the page will be printed, no HTML codes etc.


Voyager will allow you to cancel downloading of a page and it's associated in-line images by pressing on this button. Loading of the page can be restarted with the Reload button if necessary.



This text gadget displays the current URL being accessed by Voyager. When not active it is denoted as 'Location:' but when activate you'll see a bold 'Goto:' appear. A URL can be entered with any fetch method by hand. If no fetch method is chosen IE is entered, Voyager will automatically assume and add http:// in front of the entry. To the right of the URL text gadget are two buttons. The first is a pop-up button which will display the current entries in the stack since Voyager was activated during this session (and not the entire cache). Next along is a button with 'ADD' written on it. This will Bookmark the current page being viewed. For more information on this, see the section on the Bookmark.

Fastlink buttons


Lastly, the group of elongated buttons just above the main Voyager viewing window are user configurable fast links. Their presence can be turned off my the 'Show FastLinks' gadget in the Settings menu. The Fastlinks are edited from the Links page in the GUI Setting activated from the GUI function in the settings menu or again, the Amiga-G hotkey.

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